Ameloblastoma, a semi-benign odontogenic tumor, is divided into four subtypes based on the clinical presentation, radiological manifestations and histological characteristics. Radiologically, it manifests itself in the form of uni-or multicystic intrabony expansive lesions, with destruction of the medullary zone of the existing bone, resorption and possible perforation of the buccal and lingual cortex.The patient, a 62-year-old woman, came to the Clinic for Maxillofacial Surgery in Niš with an anamnestically present painless tumefaction in the anterior segment of the mandible present for the past three years. In the course of an intraoral examination in the region of symphysis and parasymphysis of the lower jaw on the left side, an oval-shaped tumor was spotted, 5x3 cm in size; palpation showed that it was hard, painless and motionless. Multislice computed tomography (MSCT) of the oro -and hypopharynx and neck showed an extensive tumor formation of the soft tissue density in the anterior segments of the lower jaw, with the signs of destruction of bone tissue of the buccal and lingual cortex of the lower jaw.The frequency of recurrence depends on the histological type of ameloblastoma and the degree of radicalism of the performed surgical intervention. Ameloblastoma in most cases is definitely diagnosed in the advanced stage of the disease due to the absence of symptoms and very slow tumor progression.