Extensive recent literature on drugs used to enhance cognitive functioning, reflects the growing social problem of dementia. Many clinical trials have been undertaken with variable success. In most cases the disorder studied has been Alzheimer's disease. The pharmacological approach has been designed to rectify the presumed pathophysiological processes characteristic of the condition. Agents tested include cerebral vasodilators, cerebral metabolic enhancers, nootropics, psychostimulants, neuropeptides and neurotransmitters with a special emphasis on drugs used to enhance cholinergic function. Ethical and practical issues concerning clinical drug trials in dementia will be discussed. RESUME: Stimulation cognitive medicamenteuse: etat de la question dans le traitement de la maladie d'Alzheimer La multiplicity des publications recentes sur les medicaments utilises pour stimuler le fonctionnement cognitif est le reflet du probl&me social sans cesse croissant de la d6mence. Plusieurs essais cliniques ont ete tentes avec des resultats variables. Dans la plupart des cas, la maladie etudiee etait la maladie d'Alzheimer. L'approche pharmacologique a ete con^ue pour corriger les processus physiopathologiques caracteristiques de la maladie. Les agents etudies incluent des vasodilatateurs cerebraux, des stimulants metaboliques cerebraux, des agents nootropes, des agents neurotropes, des psychostimulants, des neuropeptides et des neurotransmetteurs, avec une emphase particuliere sur les medicaments utilises pour stimuler la fonction cholinergique. Nous discutons des considerations ethiques et pratiques touchant les essais therapeutiques dans la demence.Can. J. Neurol. Sci. 1988; 15:249-256 Because of the growing elderly population, many with forgetfulness and dementia, there is considerable interest and support for neuropharmacology involving cognitive enhancing agents (Table 1). Although there are many etiologies of dementia, the most studied area has been that of Alzheimer's disease.As the underlying pathophysiology of this disorder becomes clearer, more "rational" approaches to the pharmacology of this disorder are being discovered and tested. Interest is mainly directed towards improving the brain function or delaying the cognitive deterioration associated with Alzheimer's disease, although other dementing illnesses (such as alcoholic dementia) many benefit from these therapeutic strategies.Some contend that the underlying pathophysiology is diverse and not amenable to pharmacological manipulation.1 Most categories of drugs, however, have been developed with some underlying pathophysiology in mind. The cerebral vasodilators were developed when arteriosclerotic dementia was a popular concept.2 Neuropeptide substrates for memory were based mainly on animal models of memory loss. But, there is some evidence that the extinction of conditioned avoidance response employed in these studies is not analogous to human memory loss.3 General metabolic enhancers were developed to improve glucose utilization. Subsequently...