We express the hairy graph complexes computing the rational homotopy groups of long embeddings (modulo immersions) of R m in R n as 'decorated' graph complexes associated to certain representations of the outer automorphism groups of free groups. This interpretation gives rise to a natural spectral sequence, which allows us to shed some light on the structure of the hairy graph cohomology. We also explain briefly the connection to the deformation theory of the little disks operads and some conclusions that this brings. . † For a weaker range of dimensions this result has been shown earlier in [2,21]. To recall, the space Embc(R m , R n ) of long embeddings modulo immersions is the homotopy fiber of the inclusion Embc(R m , R n ) → Immc(R m , R n ) of the space of long embeddings R m → R n (that is, embeddings coinciding with the fixed linear inclusion R m ⊂ R n outside a compact subset of R m ) into the space of long immersions (that is, immersions with the same behavior at infinity). The rational homotopy groups of Embc(R m , R n ) and those of Embc(R m , R n ) are the same up to a finite dimensional correction, which was computed in [2].