This paper analyses the renewal of Harun Nasution’s Islamic thought and its implications for Islamic education in Indonesia. Especially the consequences for the implementation of Islamic education in universities throughout Indonesia. This article uses qualitative research. At the same time, the data collection technique in literature. Data analysis techniques are condensation, data presentation, and concluding. Based on the analysis results, this study found several things: First, Harun Nasution is a scholar and reformer of Indonesian Islamic thought. In addition, Harun also has an essential role in advancing Islamic education in Islamic Universities. Second, the renewal of Harun Nasution’s Islamic thought has a considerable impact and implication on Indonesian Islamic education. Third, the importance of Harun’s renewal of Islamic thought on Islamic education began when he returned to Indonesia and served at IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Harun’s first policy was to change the Islamic education system through a religious learning curriculum that initially focused on fiqh to become more rational by including subjects such as philosophy, kalam, mysticism, and research methodology. Furthermore, Harun’s thoughts also influence the implementation of Islamic education, where he writes about methods, objectives, curriculum, students, and education staff.