“…Now the proposition follows from the fact that Φ is a one-to-one map. where x, y, z are S-units and f is a quadratic map defined over K with good reduction outside S. See [Sil07] or [Ca10] for the definition of good reduction, but roughly speaking it means that the homogeneous resultant of the two p-coprime polynomials defining f is a p-unit for any p / ∈ S. In particular, to an S-integral point of M 2 (6) corresponds a rational map f defined over K, with good reduction outside S, which admits a K-rational periodic point of minimal period 6; and this set is finite by [Ca10, Theorem 1.2]. Now Proposition 4.12 follows from the previous argument because for any point [W : X : Y : Z] ∈ M 2 (6) there exists a unique f that admits the cycle ([0 : 1], [1 : 0], [1 : 1], [x : 1], [y : 1], [z : 1]), where (x, y, z) = φ −1 ([W : X : Y : Z]) and the map φ −1 is the one defined in Lemma 4.1.…”