with integers A'>2 and »7^2, has only the trivial solutions .v = -/(/ = 1 m), v = 0. This put an end to the old question whether the product of consecutive positive integers could ever be a perfect power; for a brief account of its history see [7].From the viewpoint of algebraic geometry (1) represents a so-called superelliptic curve, and it seems to be more natural to ask for rational solutions (x: V) instead of integer solutions. Rational points on elliptic curves are well understood, but for general k and m, their nice arithmetic properties fade away. It follows from Faltings's proof [4] of Mordell's conjecture that, for fixed k > \,m > 1 and k + m> 6, equation (1) has at most finitely many rational solutions (cf. [7]).It was shown by the second author [7] that, for k^2 and 2^w < 4 , all rational points (.v; v)