“…Additional criteria at the time of T h e n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l o f m e dic i n e n engl j med 365;1 nejm.org july 7, 2011 34 randomization included the following: dyspnea at rest or with minimal activity, one or more accompanying signs (respiratory rate ≥20 breaths per minute or pulmonary congestion or edema with rales one third of the way or more up the lung fields), and one or more objective measures of heart failure (evidence of congestion or edema on chest radiography, a BNP level ≥400 pg per milliliter or an N-terminal pro-BNP level ≥1000 pg per milliliter, pulmonary-capillary wedge pressure >20 mm Hg, or left ventricular ejection fraction <40% in the previous 12 months). 12 Key exclusion criteria were a high risk of hypotension (systolic pressure <100 mm Hg or 110 mm Hg with the use of intravenous nitroglycerin), other contraindications for vasodilators, treatment with dobutamine (at a dose ≥5 μg per kilogram of body weight per minute), treatment with milrinone or levosimendan within the previous 30 days, persistent uncontrolled hypertension, acute coronary syndrome, normal level of BNP or N-terminal pro-BNP, severe pulmonary disease, end-stage renal disease during receipt of renalreplacement therapy, and clinically significant anemia. Complete eligibility criteria are described elsewhere 12 and in the study protocol.…”