“…This population has also been characterised as the 'precariat' (Wacquant, 2008), the urban underclass (Murray, 1990) or the population not in education, empolyment or training (NEET). This rationale allows for particular types of families, namely working class and socially excluded (Gillies, 2005a(Gillies, , 2006(Gillies, , 2008, to be labelled as 'problem families' or 'troubled families' who 'terrorise' their communities (Parr and Nixon, 2008). Wacquant has referred to this focus on a 'dangerous, immoral, dysfunctional underclass' in need of urgent discipline and control as the 'penalisation of poverty' (Wacquant, 2001(Wacquant, , 2009).…”