The intercropping objective of the subsistence fanner in Botswana was identified as a need to secure some cowpea production without reducing the yield of the staple crop, sorghum. Field experiments in which sorghum and cowpea were intercropped in several different environments over three years met this objective on most occasions, but cowpea yields were low compared with their sole crop performance. Although intercropping out-performed monocropping by producing some cowpea yield, land equivalent ratios greater than one and higher gross income and cash returns to draught-power (but not returns to labour) the differences were never large and seldom statistically significant.C. W. F. Lightfoot y R. S. Tayler: Cultivo intercalado de sorgo con caupi en sistemas de cultivos de secano en Botsuana. I. Experimentos de campo y ventajas relativas del intercalado.
RESUMENEl objetivo del cultivo intercalado del agricultor de subsistencia en Botsuana fue identificado como una necesidad de asegurar una production de caupis sin reducir el rendimiento del cultivo basico, el sorgo. Experimentos de campo en que se intercalaron sorgo y caupi' en varios ambientes distintos a lo largo de tres anos lograron este objetivo en la mayon'a de los casos, pero los rendimientos de caupi eran bajos comparado con los resultados del monocultivo. Aunque el intercalado supero el monocultivo, produciendo algun rendimiento de caupi, relaciones equivalentes de tierra mayores a uno, y mayores ingresos brutos y ganancias efectivas de la traccion animal (pero no ganancias de la mano de obra), las diferencias nunca fueron grandes y rara vez estadi'sticamente significativas.The poor adoption of monocropping systems by farmers in most African countries has revived research interest in intercropping systems. This revival continues largely because research has demonstrated that intercropping can have many advantages over monocropping. In Botswana, as elsewhere in Africa, only a few farmers have adopted monocropping despite it being an early focus of research and extension efforts. This study examines the characteristics of a sorghum-cowpea intercropping system under the farming conditions of Botswana.Intercropping reviews by Kass (1978), Willey (1979) and Steiner (1982) show that intercropping can increase total grain yield, but closer inspection of the limited sorghum-cowpea data reveals that both increases (Rao and Willey, 1980;Singh, 1981) and decreases (Mafra *a/., 1979; Enyi, 1973) may occur. Kass suggests that economic advantages from intercropping are more