Figure 1: Large volume data ray-traced at 512 2 using octrees for compression and acceleration. From left to right: (1) LLNL Richtmyer-Meshkov instability field (shown at timestep 270, with an isovalue of 100). (2) Closer view of the previous scene. (3) Utah CSAFE heptane simulation (timestep 152, isovalue 42). Data is losslessly compressed into an octree volume to occupy less than one quarter the size of the original 3D array. Our approach permits storage of large data such as the LLNL simulation, and full sequences of medium-size data such as the heptane, in main memory of consumer machines. Frame rates on an Intel Core Duo 2.16 GHz laptop with 2 GB RAM are 2.4, 1.3, and 3.3 fps respectively. On a 16-node NUMA 2.4 GHz Opteron workstation, these images render at 17.9, 9.8, and 22.0 fps.
ABSTRACTWe present a technique for ray tracing isosurfaces of large compressed structured volumes. Data is first converted into a losslesscompression octree representation that occupies a fraction of the original memory footprint. An isosurface is then dynamically rendered by tracing rays through a min/max hierarchy inside interior octree nodes. By embedding the acceleration tree and scalar data in a single structure and employing optimized octree hash schemes, we achieve competitive frame rates on common multicore architectures, and render large time-variant data that could not otherwise be accomodated.