The metaplectic transform (MT) is a unitary integral mapping which is widely used in signal processing and can be viewed as a generalization of the Fourier transform. For a given function ψ on an N -dimensional continuous space q, the MT of ψ is parameterized by a rotation (or more generally, a linear symplectic transformation) of the 2N -dimensional phase space (q, p), where p is the wavevector space dual to q. Here, we derive a pseudo-differential form of the MT. For smallangle rotations, it readily yields asymptotic differential representations of the MT, which are easy to compute numerically. Rotations by larger angles are implemented as successive applications of K ≫ 1 small-angle MTs. The algorithm complexity scales as O(KN 3 Np), where Np is the number of grid points. We present a numerical implementation of this algorithm and discuss how to mitigate the two associated numerical instabilities.