[1] Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy was used to characterize a natural geological core sample obtained from the Mallik 5L-38 gas hydrate research well at high pressure and subambient temperatures. Using deuterated methane gas to form gas hydrate in the core sample, it was discovered that resonance amplitudes are correlated with the fraction of the pore space occupied by the gas hydrate crystals. A pore water freezing model was developed that utilizes the known pore size distribution and pore water chemistry to predict gas hydrate saturation as a function of pressure and temperature. The model showed good agreement with the experimental measurements and demonstrated that pore water chemistry is the most important factor controlling equilibrium gas hydrate saturations in these sediments when gas hydrates are formed artificially in laboratory pressure vessels. With further development, the resonant ultrasound technique can provide a rapid, nondestructive, field portable means of measuring the equilibrium P-T properties and dissociation kinetics of gas hydrates in porous media, determining gas hydrate saturations, and may provide new insights into the nature of gas hydrate formation mechanisms in geologic materials.Citation: McGrail, B. P., S. Ahmed, H. T. Schaef, A. T. Owen, P. F. Martin, and T. Zhu (2007), Gas hydrate property measurements in porous sediments with resonant ultrasound spectroscopy,