Most species of the genes Tyadescantia have many hairs on their stamen filaments. Each stamen hair is composed of a single chain of cells, and its development depends principally on the repeated division of the terminal cell. Thus the stamen hairs of this genus can be regarded as an essentially single-meristematic-cell system as demonstrated by Ichikawa and Sparrow (1967b), and can be used as an excellent plant material for radiobiological studies at the single-cell level (Davies 1963; Alvarez and Sparrow 1965;Nayar and Sparrow 1967; Ichikawa and Sparrow 1967a, 1967b, 1968, 1969 Ichikawa 1968; Ichikawa et al. 1969).The present study was undertaken to determine the relative biological efficiency (RBE) of 14.1 MeV fast neutrons as compared with 137Cs gamma rays in causing loss of reproductive integrity and in inducing somatic mutations in Tyadescantia stamen hairs.The main reason why this study was carried out is that extremely high RBE values of 10 to 50 sometimes more than 100 have been reported in plant materials for fast neutrons or other heavy particles by many authors (Matsumura et al. 1963;Neary et al. 1963;Smith et al. 1964; Matsumura 1966 and many others, see Discussion). The RBE values reported in animals and microorganisms are generally much closer to 1 (at most 5) (see Kondo 1964). It should be remembered that most of the extremely high RBE values in plants have been obtained from irradiation of dry seeds containing a small amount of water (about 8 to 15 percent).It is generally accepted that water content modifies the sensitivity to X rays or gamma rays greatly but that to neutrons relatively slightly (Ehrenberg et al. 1952; Ehrenberg and Nybom 1954; Ehrenberg 1955;Ikushima 1968; Fujii 1969). The present RBE study in the single meristematic cells of actively growing stamen hairs, which contain a comparable amount of water with other organisms, will offer information to help resolve the above discrepancy reported between plants and other organisms.
MATERIAL AND METHODSA tetraploid Tyadescantia clone (KU 7, 2n=24) was used in the present investigation. This clone was recently isolated as a heterozygote for flower color (blue/pink, blue being 1) Contribution from 353.