Youth work is a term related to socio-educational activities, with a multipurpose and differentiated character involving young people, situated at the border between the formal education system and the practices of informal socialization. Over the last years, the development of the social media and the digital making became an integral part of the elements and provisions on youth work throughout Europe, receiving momentum and support through the interventions promoted by European institutions. The efforts made by the European Commission and the Council of Europe to guarantee the quality in digital youth work is the result of a process that, through recommendations and guidelines, tried to support the youth workers, from one side, in understanding and promoting the digital competencies and, on the other hand, to offer a frame of reference in line with the current digital transformations to young people approaching European youth work.Starting from this reference framework, the contribution is articulated following a double temporal level, firstly trying to review the initiatives promoting digital youth work before the pandemic and, secondly, illustrating the current proposals pushing more and more towards an “accelerated and improvised digitization”, with which youth work must necessarily deal.