The innovative exploitation of information technologies and communication promises to improve the quality, flexibility and effectiveness of engineering education. The present application SEACom is a bilingue system and it is divided into two main versions: one portuguese other in english whose mane is TeSA -Teaching System Architecture for the production of Printing Circuit Boards -PCB wants to do the integration of newtechnology based media with existing teaching methods and the impact this will have in the student learning. The most important phases in the project and manufacturing of electronic components -PCB are presented to the student and this has nine stages of production and three levels of interfaces: basic, intermediate and advanced that represent an ergonomic interface. Meanwhile, you can navigate among this levels and stages in a friendly way via a tele-learning scenario. Also severals evaluation questionnaires are suggested and one intelligent agent help option is at your disposition, where you have a detailed information about a real production CIM line of PCB with animated images, all of this developed in a multimedia environment, supported by the World Wide Web (WWW).