We introduce Bell-type inequalities allowing for non-locality and entanglement tests with two cold heteronuclear molecules. The proposed inequalities are based on correlations between each molecule spatial orientation, an observable which can be experimentally measured with present day technology. Orientation measurements are performed on each subsystem at different times. These times play the role of the polarizer angles in Bell tests realized with photons. We discuss the experimental implementations of the proposed tests, which could also be adapted to other high dimensional quantum angular momenta systems. [5]. Since entanglement and non-locality are related (non-locality implies entanglement but not all entangled states are non-local), such tests may equally serve as entanglement witnesses [6]. The interest of such approach also lies in the fact that for arbitrary high dimensional systems one does not dispose of necessary and sufficient conditions for entanglement characterization. However, detecting quantum properties of high dimensional systems is of clear interest in atomic, molecular and optical physics.A number of experimental proposals are aiming to throw some light to these questions by means of Belltype tests performed in different continuous or multidimensional systems: it was shown recently that correlated atoms originated from the dissociation of a molecular Bose-Einstein condensate can be used to test the Einstein-Podolski-Rosen paradox as originally formulated [3,7]. The dichotomization of measurement results performed in a continuous system can also lead to maximal violation of Bell-type inequalities in phase space [8]. Finally, discrete multi-dimensional systems also allow for non-locality tests [9], and recent experiments show the violation of Bell-type inequalities with two effective spin-1 particles [10]. In parallel, recent advances in single molecule manipulation and detection open the way to the controlled creation of molecular entanglement [11]. Moreover, cold polar molecules confined in optical or magnetic traps have been recognized as a promissing candidate for quantum information processing [12], especially when their rotational levels are used as qubits [13,14]. Rotational states are relatively long lived, allowing for short quantum gate implementation times: one can perform about 10 4 gate operations before decoherence takes place. This excellent performance, when compared to cold collision based quantum gates [15], originates from the strength of dipolar interactions.In the present paper, we propose realistic non-locality and entanglement tests for a system composed of two cold and trapped heteronuclear diatomic molecules. As in usual Bell tests scenarios, measurements are performed independently on each molecule by observers placed far apart, so that no comunication between them is possible during the realization of the protocol. We show in the following that inequalities built from local realism assumptions can be violated by a set of entangled states using measurements of corr...