We present global potential energy surfaces for the three lowest triplet states in O( 3 P Π) reaction using these surfaces. The surfaces are spline-based fits of ~20,000 fixed geometry ab-initio calculations at the CASSCF+MP2 level with a O(4s3p2d1f)/H(3s2p) one electron basis set. Computed rate constants compare well to measurements in the 1,000-2,500 K range using these surfaces. We also compute the total, rovibrationally resolved, and differential angular cross sections at fixed collision velocities from near threshold at ~4 km s -1 (16.9 kcal mol -1 collision energy) to 11 km s -1 (122.5 kcal mol -1 collision energy), and we compare these computed cross sections to available space-based and laboratory data. A major finding of the present work is that above ~40 kcal mol -1 collision energy ro-vibrationally excited OH(X 2 Π) products are a significant and perhaps dominant contributor to the observed 1-5 µ spectral emission from O( 3 P) + H 2 O(X 1 A 1 ) collisions. Another important result is that OH(X 2 Π) products are formed in two distinct ro-vibrational distributions.)The 'active' OH products are formed with the reagent O-atom, and their ro-vibrational distributions are extremely hot. The remaining 'spectator' OH is relatively ro-vibrationally cold.For the active OH, rotational energy is dominant at all collision velocities, but the opposite holds for the spectator OH. Summed over both OH products, below ~50 kcal mol -1 collision energy, vibration dominates the OH internal energy, and above ~50 kcal mol -1 rotation is greater than vibrational energy. As the collision energy increases, energy is diverted from vibration to mostly translational energy. We note that the present fitted surfaces can also be used to investigate direct
We present global potential energy surfaces for the three lowest triplet states in O(3P) + H2O(X1A1) collisions and present results of classical dynamics calculations on the O(3P) + H2O(X1A1) OH(X2) + OH(X2) reaction using these surfaces. The surfaces are spline-based fits of 20,000 fixed geometry ab-initio calculations at the CASSCF+MP2 level with a O(4s3p2d1f)/H(3s2p) one electron basis set. Computed rate constants compare well to measurements in the 1,000-2,500 K range using these surfaces. We also compute the total, ro-vibrationally resolved, and differential angular cross sections at fixed collision velocities from near threshold at ~4 km s-1 (16.9 kcal mol-1 collision energy) to 11 km s-1 (122.5 kcal mol-1 collision energy), and we compare these computed cross sections to available space-based and laboratory data. A major finding of the present work is that above ~40 kcal mol-1 collision energy ro-vibrationally excited OH(X2) products are a significant and perhaps dominant contributor to the observed 1-5 spectral emission from O(3P) + H2O(X1A1) collisions. Another important result is that OH(X2) products are formed in two distinct ro-vibrational distributions. The 'active' OH products are formed with the reagent O-ato...