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AbstractThe first attempt at activation of air-carbonized carbon reveals unusual resistance to activation and unprecedentedly high yields (32 -80 wt%) of high packing density (0.7 -1.14 g cm -3 ) microporous carbon dominated by 5.5 -7 Å pores, which are just right for CO2 uptake (up to 5.0 mmol g -1 ) at 1 bar and 25 o C. The high gravimetric uptake and packing density offer exceptional volumetric storage, and unprecedented performance for low pressure swing adsorption (PSA)with working capacity of 6 -9 mmol g -1 for a pure CO2 stream (6 to 1 bar) and 3 -4 mmol g g l -1 (PSA) and 179 -233 g l -1 (VSA). For flue gas conditions, the working capacity is 120 to 160 g l -1 (PSA). The performance of the activated air-carbonized carbons is higher than the best carbons and benchmark zeolites or MOFs.2