in ammonia production. Then, CO 2 can be used directly in a variety of applications, as a solvent, [3] refrigerant, [4] or carbonating agent in the beverage industry as well as as a raw material for the synthesis of other products. There are different types of CO 2 conversion to other products, which can be divided into reactions that incorporate the complete CO 2 molecule (carboxylation) or merely a part of the mole cule (reduction); [1a] presenting the former reactions much lower energy demand than the latter, which increases the interest in carboxylation reactions. Some products that can be obtained by carboxylation are ureas, [5] lactones, [1a] carboxylic acids, [1a] carbonates, [6] polycarbonates, [7] or polyurethanes. [8] To produce cyclic carbonates which find applications in common separations in the chemical industry [9] as well as being electrolytes for batteries [10] as final use, or are well-known monomers in the polymer industry [7,10] finding applications even in the biomedical field, [11] the use of ionic liquids (ILs) as catalysts in both homogeneous and heterogeneous phases has been suggested. [12] Figure 1 shows the reaction scheme to produce propylene carbonate from propylene oxide using ILs with the corresponding pressure and temperature conditions considered in this work. Given their high CO 2 solubility, ILs are very competitive absorbents compared to amines [13] plus they can also be used as catalysts, [14] allowing for the integration of CO 2 capture and conversion. [15] However, carbonate and IL separation by distillation has been revealed to be high energy-consuming. [15a,16] Therefore, it was recently proposed to carry out this separation by liquid-liquid extraction, which reduces energy consumption. [16,17] Depending on whether the IL is hydrophilic or hydrophobic, either water or a long-chain alcohol would be the preferred extracting solvent, respectively. [18] To advance in the development of more effective and sustainable IL-based CCU processes, techno-economic assessment and environmental impact evaluations need to be addressed comprehensively. It is necessary to analyze these systems globally, including the synthesis of the necessary compounds as well as the implications of their energy consumption and energy sources. [19] In this line, several studies have already been conducted on the environmental sustainability of CO 2 capture and storage processes, [20] including those based on ILs. [21] However, in the case of carbon utilization processes, due to the variety of The use of ionic liquids (ILs) for CO 2 capture and utilization into a valuable product is attracting interest even though literature evaluating their sustainability is scarce. A liquid-liquid extraction (LLE)-based separation is recently proposed as an alternative to the high energy-consuming distillation-based reference approach to produce propylene carbonate (PC). In this work, the environmental impacts associated to the distillation-based reference and two proposed LLE-based approaches to produce PC are eval...