A large fraction of impure plutonium oxide inventory items received in the mid-1980s from the Rocky Flats Plant (RFP) contain sodium chloride and potassium chloride salts from the electrorefining process. Sodium and potassium chloride evaporate at the ≥950°C stabilization temperature mandated for long-term storage under the U.S. Department of Energy plutonium oxide stabilization and storage criteria to plug and corrode process equipment. Because of the equipment damage and associated increased processing time and operator radiation exposure caused by these salts, items found to have these salts qualify for thermal stabilization at 750°C. The present document describes how prompt gamma-ray analysis is being implemented at the Plutonium Finishing Plant (PFP) to screen the items from the RFP for the presence of electrorefining salt. The prompt gamma ray energies characteristic of sodium, potassium, chlorine, and other low atomic weight elements arise from the interaction the light elements with alpha radiation from plutonium and americium radioactive decay. High-resolution gamma ray spectrometers designed to detect energies up to ~4.5 MeV are used to gather the high-energy prompt gamma spectra. Observation of the presence of the high-energy gamma peaks representing the natural chlorine-35, sodium-23, and potassium-39 isotopes and the sodium-to-chlorine peak area ratios in the range for plutonium oxide materials known to contain the electrorefining salts give the evidence needed to identify plutonium oxide materials at the PFP that qualify for the lowertemperature processing. Conversely, the absence of these telltale signals in the prompt gamma analysis provides evidence that the materials do not contain the electrorefining salts. Furthermore, based on calibrations using known assayed items, semiquantitative measurement of the quantity of chlorine present in materials containing electrorefining salt also can be performed by using the count rates observed for the chlorine peak, the plutonium quantity present in the measured item, and the plutonium-and chlorine-specific response of the gamma detection system. The origin and characteristics of the impure plutonium oxide, the process impacts of the electrorefining salts, and the background and technical bases of application of prompt gammaray analysis to identify electrorefining salt-bearing plutonium oxide at the PFP are described. v