Purpose: To estimate the in vivo intracerebral reducing ability after acute stress in adolescent rats subjected to early neonatal isolation (NI), by performing temporal electron paramagnetic resonance imaging (EPRI) of the brain.
Materials and Methods:An EPRI system operating at an EPR frequency of 700 MHz was used. The intracerebral reducing ability was estimated based on the halflife of the EPR signal of the blood-brain barrier (BBB)-permeable nitroxide radical. The NI treatment was performed for a period of one hour per day over postnatal days 2-9. Six-weekold rats were exposed to acute stress (immobilization for 90 minutes) prior to the EPRI study.Results: Depletion of the intracerebral reducing ability caused by the acute stress was observed; however, this depletion phenomenon did not occur in animals that were not subjected to NI.
Conclusion:The results obtained in this study prove that NI induces cerebral vulnerability to acute stress in adolescence. EARLY ADVERSE EXPERIENCE is a pervasive social problem that is frequently associated with significant long-term psychiatric sequelae, such as major depression and anxiety (1). Early neonatal isolation (NI) of rats is an experimental model designed to clarify the mechanisms by which psychiatric disorders occur after an early adverse experience. Previous studies (2-4) demonstrated that the release of corticosterone in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis was altered by acute stress in rats that were subjected to early maternal separation and NI. However, other biological evidence related to vulnerability in this model has not been reported.
KeyIt is thought that the pathogenesis of many diseases is related to oxidative damage. In vivo antioxidant ability (i.e., reducing ability) is subject to a balance between the amount of oxidants and reductants. An in vivo temporal electron paramagnetic resonance imaging (EPRI) technique was recently developed that can be applied to the brain of a rat that has been intravenously injected with a blood-brain barrier (BBB)-permeable nitroxide radical, 3-hydroxymethyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-1-oxyl (hydroxymethyl-PROXYL) (5,6). With this imaging technique it is possible to measure the decay rates of a nitroxide radical in multiple regions of the brain simultaneously. Nitroxide radicals are reduced to hydroxylamins by reductants (5). The decay rate of the EPR signal intensity (SI) in a selected region of the brain is indicative of the region-specific reducing ability. In this study we used EPRI to estimate the intracerebral reducing ability after acute stress in adolescent rats that had been subjected to early NI.
AnimalsSprague-Dawley rats were divided into two groups: control (N ϭ 12) and NI (N ϭ 12). In the NI group the pups were isolated from the dam, nest, and siblings for a period of one hour per day over postnatal days 2-9. Each pup was placed individually into a clean cup in a humidity-controlled environmental chamber maintained at 30°C. After one hour the pups were returned to the home cag...