5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) is a crucial biobased compound for synthesizing chemicals and biofuels, but the direct conversion of glucose to HMF suffers low yield and purification problems. In this paper, a cheap and efficient deep eutectic solvent (DES) of choline chloride−chromium chloride (ChCl−CrCl 3 • 6H 2 O) was developed to convert glucose and other carbohydrates to HMF. High HMF yields of 70.2, 78.6, 72.6, and 71.7% were achieved from glucose, fructose, high fructose corn syrup, and sucrose, respectively. The DES ChCl−CrCl 3 •6H 2 O could be reused nine times without a significant loss of catalytic activity. In addition, a method was developed to regenerate humins-polluted DES. Combined with ultraviolet and visible spectrum data and density functional theory calculation, [Cr(H 2 O) 2 Cl 3 Ch] + was identified as the active species in DES ChCl−CrCl 3 •6H 2 O. This paper proposed a new effective system to convert carbohydrates to HMF. The discovery of active species provides a base for future studies on dehydration mechanisms.