Heavy residues created in the reaction Ar + Ag at 35 MeV/u have been detected at various forward angles. Their velocity spectra (quite different from the corresponding spectra measured at 27 MeV/u) show that these events result both from central and peripheral reactions and that the fusion component has dramatically decreased. Coincident light charged particles spectra have been obtained in a large solid angle forward hodoscope. The analysis of these spectra allows to differentiate peripheral and central collisions. The proton spectra are analysed in terms of emitting sources. There is no need for a participant zone in peripheral reactions. Instead protons are emitted either from the target like or from the projectile like fragments. However projectile sequential emission is not sufficient to explain all the high energy protons.
PACS: 25.70The field of intermediate energy heavy-ion induced reactions is now being actively explored at several accelerators. The study of the mechanisms of these reactions inevitably invokes the most popular and well-founded models used in two extreme domains: i) the low-energy domain, where mean-field effects tend to favour either the complete fusion of the incoming nuclei, or a sizeable exchange of nucleons and energy dissipation before reseparation [1], ii) the high-energy domain, where the validity of geometric concepts, as in the participant-spectator model [2], has been established. Between the limits of 10 and 200 MeV/A incident energy, it is of the utmost interest to understand the vanishing of complete fusion, to determine the sharpness of the transition between one-body and two-body features and to explore the production of hot nuclei in these reactions. However, since the average event-multiplicity increases with incident energy, it is difficult to deduce a signature of a given reaction mechanism from inclusive measurements.We have chosen to study coincidence events in the collisions of 35 MeV/u 4~ projectiles on Ag nuclei. This incident energy appears now to be a transition point between the two energy regimes alluded to above, as already evidenced by several experiments at GANIL [3][4][5]. Using a non-fissile system, we expect that the largest part of the reactions with highexcitation energy will lead to evaporation residues. The experimental set-up, already described elsewhere [6], includes a telescope of 4 solid-state detectors located at forward angles, a parallel-plate avalanche counter to look for coincidences due to two body events (fission or deep inelastic collisions) and a large hodoscope wall [7] to detect and identify high-energy light nuclei over a large angular range (3 < 0 < 30 ~ The complete hodoscope is made of 96 scintillators but only 72 were operational for this experiment. Their geometry appears in Fig. 4. The results to be presented here deal with coincident events between the solid state telesope and the hodoscope. The determination of the mass of heavy residues is obtained