Cyclic diaryl ethers are present in multiple natural compounds, organic pollutants as well as in π-conjugated organic molecular materials. This short review aims at overviewing the main synthetic advances in the O-annulation methods for preparing five-, six-, and seven-membered rings through C–H cleavage.1 Introduction2 Five-Membered Rings: The Dibenzofuran (DBF) Motif2.1 Palladium-Catalysed C–H Activation2.2 Copper-Catalysed C–H Activation2.3 Non-CH Activation Oxidant-Mediated Cyclisation2.4 Light-Mediated Cyclisation2.5 Acid-catalysed C–O Cleavage/C–O Formation3 Six-Membered Rings: DBX, PXX, Xanthone, and Their Derivatives3.1 Dibenzoxanthene (DBX)3.2 Peri-Xanthenoxanthene (PXX)3.3 Xanthones3.4 Miscellaneous4 Seven-Membered Rings: Cularine5 Conclusion