Abstract--Hydroxyaluminosilicate (HAS) and hydroxyaluminum (HyA) ionic solutions having final A1 concentrations ranging from 3.74 to 4.00 mM; NaOH/AI molar ratios of 1.0, 2.0 and 2.5; and Si/A1 molar ratios of 0.00, 0.27-0.30, 0.51-0.56 and 0.95-1.01 were prepared through the interaction of AIC13, orthosilicic acid and NaOH solutions. When these solutions reacted with <2 p~m sized vermiculite (Vt) and montmorillonite (Mt), varying amounts of A1 and Si were fixed on Vt and Mt clays. Potassium fixation and exchange capacities of HyA/HAS (OH/A1 = 1.0, 2.0 and 2.5)-Vt and HyA/HAS (OH/AI = 2.0)-Mt complexes were compared with those of untreated Vt and Mt at added K levels ranging from 21 to 319 cmol c kg ~. The untreated Vt clay showed K fixation as high as 94 cmolc kg ~, in contrast to only 16 cmol~ kg ~ exchangeable K. The untreated Mt fixed a maximum of 9 cmol c K kg -1 out of a total K adsorption capacity of 67 creole kg-L In the HyA/HAS-Vt complexes, K fixation reduced drastically in comparison to untreated Vt, and ranged from 9 to 24 cmolc kg ~ out of their total K adsorption capacities of 61 to 81 cmol~ kg 1. In the HyA/HAS-Mt complexes, too, the amount of K fixed reduced to a great extent in comparison to Mt and ranged from 1.48 to 1.84 cmol c kg ~. Potassium became more exchangeable due to the presence of hydroxy-interlayers in the clays. The reduction in CEC and the well-known propping effects of hydroxy-cations' islands in the interlayers might have hindered K fixation by the complexes. The relationships of maximum K fixing capacities of the HyA/HAS-Vt complexes with the amounts of A1, Si and AI + Si fixed on Vt were all exponential and negative. However, the amount of AI + Si or only A1 fixed on Vt appeared to be the best indicator of K fixation capacities of hydroxyinterlayered Vt clay.