“…Selected bond lengths (Å) and angles (°): 3a: N2-B2 1.409(4), B2-H2 1.07(3), C21-B2 1.543(4), B1a-C21 1.361(4), B1a•••H2 2.43(3), B1a-C1a 1.543(4), N1a-C1a 1.460(3), C21-B1a-C1a 167.9(3), B1a-C21-B2 99.8(2), B1a-C21-C22 120.5(2), B2-C21-C22 139.5(3); 3b: N2-B2 1.421(5), B2-H2 1.12(4), C21-B2 1.532(6), B1b-C21 1.469(7), B1b-H1b 1.02(5), B1b-C1b In solution under an atmosphere of CO, compound 2a was found to convert rapidly back to 1 (Scheme 2). [26] Under an atmosphere of argon, however, NMR spectroscopic monitoring over several days at room temperature revealed the slow transformation of 2a into a new species, 3, characterized by two broad 11 Removal of volatiles, extraction with benzene and recrystallization from pentane yielded red crystals of 3 suitable for X-ray crystallographic analysis. Similarly to compound 2, the asymmetric unit of 3 always contained two superimposed regioisomers, 3a and 3b (Fig.…”