S-NitrosatedThe reactivity of heme proteins with nitro and nitroso compounds has been under intense scrutiny since Ignarro et al. (1,2) reported the ability of some of these compounds to activate an ␣ heterodimer enzyme containing a b-type heme, sGC, involved in the relaxation of the endothelium (3, 4). Nitric oxide (NO) has been observed to react with Fe-porphyrin complexes in various oxidation states (Fe . Reaction of NO with oxygenated heme groups results in heme oxidation and nitrate formation. This process, like NO binding to deoxy-Hb, occurs rapidly and with a similar rate constant (10 -12). As shown in this report, reactions of NO at the sulfhydryl groups of Hb also promote met-Hb formation. Several lines of study have shown that S-nitrosated Hb (SNO-Hb) can be formed in vivo and in vitro, and although present at low concentration, may be of importance in blood pressure regulation. Hb contains a highly conserved cysteine residue at position 93 whose reactions with NO may account for its persistence in hemoglobin's evolutionary history. A dynamic cycle of SNO-Hb formation in the lungs and NO release in the tissues was implicated by finding the presence of greater levels of SNO-Hb in aortic relative to venous blood (13). This cycle has, however, been brought into question. Notably, Gladwin and co-workers (14) did not see higher levels of SNO-Hb in aortic blood, even in patients given low levels of NO in breathing gas (4 M NO delivered to 10 mM heme).It is now well established that the formation of SNO-Hb is under allosteric control (13). Functional and crystallographic studies demonstrate that the Cys 93 residues at which NO is bound in SNO-Hb A 0 are more accessible in the high affinity conformation of oxy (R-state) Hb than in deoxy (T-state) Hb (6,15,16). This conformational sensitivity results in a rate dependence for SNO-Hb formation that mirrors the greater relative exposure of Cys 93 in conditions that favor the R-state. Allosteric considerations were also invoked to explain the decreased stability of the deoxy form of SNO-Hb (13), but allosteric control of NO release from SNO-Hb in vivo is still under debate (14,17,18). In a purified condition, free of red blood cell constituents, SNO-Hb is sufficiently stable to allow oxygen binding studies (7) and oxidation-reduction studies (this report) to be carried out over a period of several hours without significant loss of NO from the SNO-Hb derivative.Stamler and co-workers (19) recently presented evidence showing that interactions of SNO-Hb with the Band 3 protein on the erythrocyte membrane can facilitate NO release from * This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health Grants RO1 HL-58248, 1R43 HL-6586, and GM24417, NIEHS Center Grant ESO-1908, and the North Carolina Biotechnology Center through financial support of the Duke University Mass Spectrometry Facility. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with ...