The microstructures of niobium-based alumina composites prepared by pressureless sintering of compacts of attrition milled Al 2 O 3 , Nb, and Al powder mixtures were studied. The addition of a small amount of Al is assumed to assist in rapid sintering. X-ray diffraction analyses show that Al 2 O 3 , Nb, NbO, and the intermetallics AlNb 2 and AlNb 3 are present in the composites. Electron microscopy studies confirm the existence of these phases and reveal dense, fine-grained (<500 nm) composites. Al 2 O 3 and Nb grains form the matrix. NbO occurs as grains and additionally as small particles within Al 2 O 3 grains and at Al 2 O 3 /Al 2 O 3 grain boundaries. The intermetallic AlNb 2 and AlNb 3 phases do not exceed 300 nm in size if they occur at grain boundaries, and possess even smaller dimensions when occluded within Al 2 O 3 grains or located at Al 2 O 3 triple junctions. While the niobium intermetallics are expected to form during the heating cycle before reaching the sintering temperature, the NbO is assumed to form during the cooling cycle due to precipitation of oxygen dissolved in the niobium.