This work uses a minimalist model for deciphering the opposing effects of Coulomb repulsion and surface tension on the stability of electrosprayed droplets. Guided by previous observations, it is assumed that progeny droplets are ejected from the tip of liquid filaments that are formed as protrusions of an initially spherical parent. Nonspherical shapes are approximated as assemblies of multiple closely spaced beads. This strategy greatly facilitates the calculation of electrostatic and surface energies. For a droplet at the Rayleigh limit the model predicts that growth of a very thin filament is a spontaneous process with a negligible activation barrier. In contrast, significant barriers are encountered for the formation of larger diameter filaments. These different barrier heights favor highly asymmetric droplet fission because the dimensions of the filament determine those of the ejected droplet(s). Substantial charge accumulation occurs at the filament termini. This allows each progeny droplet to carry a significant fraction of charge, despite its very small volume. In the absence of a long connecting filament, relieving electrostatic stress through progeny droplet emission would be ineffective. The model predicts the prevalence of fission events leading to the formation of several progeny droplets, instead of just a single one. Ejection bursts are followed by collapse back to a spherical shape. The resulting charge depleted system is incapable of producing additional progeny droplets until solvent evaporation returns it to the Rayleigh limit. Despite the very simple nature of the model used here, all of these predictions agree with experimental data. E lectrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry (MS) has evolved into one of the most versatile and widely used analytical techniques. The ESI process itself has been subject of numerous studies (see, e.g., [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] and references therein). Analyte solution is passed through a metal capillary to which high voltage has been applied, and solvent droplets emanate from the tip of a Taylor cone at the capillary outlet [11]. Each droplet carries a net charge due to protons or other cationic species that reside at the air/liquid interface. Solvent evaporation and droplet fission are fundamental elements of the ESI process. Evaporation increases the surface charge density to a point where fission occurs. The disintegration process triggered in this way is highly asymmetric, leading to the formation of several small progeny droplets that carry away only a small fraction of mass, but a disproportionately high amount of charge [13,14]. High-speed imaging is an important tool for gaining insights into the breakup mechanism [15,16]. More recently, the rapid solidification of charged nanodroplets using sol-gel techniques has provided a means to capture transient droplet shapes and study them by microscopy [17]. Also, molecular dynamics simulations represent an interesting approach in this area [9,10]. All those studies reveal that disintegrati...