Ion exchange /Extraction/Thorium/Protactinium / Uranium
SummaryIon exchange and extraction of Th, Pa, U and long-lived fission products (such as Zr and Nb) were studied with respect to the isolation of 231 Pa and of 2 32 U. Data showing the influence of HCl, HNO3 and H 2 S0 4 concentrations, F" concentration and Aid, concentration on the distribution coefficients are presented for ion exchange (mainly anion exchange) and extraction by TBP, DIBK, MIBK and amines. On the basis of the experimental results procedures were developed for separation of Th, Pa, U and fission products after neutron irradiation of 2 30 Th + 232 Th and of 231 Pa with the aim to isolate 2 31 Pa and 2 3 2 U in pure form quantitatively.