In the ternary system TiB2-TiC-SiC, the different two-phase composites, TiC-TiB=, SiC-TiB2 and SiC-TiC exhibit remarkable mechanical properties in regard with the single phase ceramics. The evolution of those properties, i.e. modulus of rupture ~f, fracture toughness Klc, critical flaw size ac, hardness Hv, coefficient of thermal expansion 0~ and electrical resistivity 9, over the complete ternary diagram was investigated.A methodology of research using optimal design was used to minimize the number of composites to be elaborated. In this study, 16 samples were sufficient to empirically determine a provisional mathematical model for each property. A model, then, enables the plot of isoresponse curves in the ternary diagram. The samples were hot pressed and the optimal hot-pressing cycles were determined using densification rates against temperature curves. The concordance between computed and experimental values is excellent, e.g. a sample containing 20mo1% of TiB2, 55mo1% of TiC and 25mo1% of SiC has ~fexp= 1080MPa, O-fcom p = 1070 MPa; Klcex p = 6.7 MPam l/z, Klccorn p = 6 MPa mr/2; Hvex p = 16.6 GPa, Hvcomp = 17.3 GPa; and Pexp = 57.4 gf~ cm, 9comp = 55 I~s cm.Although titanium diboride does not react with silicon carbide, a strong interface bond is developed between titanium diboride and titanium carbide, and between titanium carbide and silicon carbide. This explains the bend strength evolution in the ternary system, and more particularly the fact that, in the area o-f > 1000 MPa and Klc > 6 MPam 1/2, to high SiC contents correspond to low TiB2 contents and conversely. The relevant microstructures will be discussed.