Dialkylglycine decarboxylase (DGD) is a pyridoxal phosphate dependent enzyme that catalyzes both decarboxylation and transamination in its normal catalytic cycle. DGD uses stereoelectronic effects to control its unusual reaction specificity. X-ray crystallographic structures of DGD suggest that Q52 is important in maintaining the substrate carboxylate in a stereoelectronically activated position. Here, the X-ray structures of the Q52A mutant and the wild type (WT) DGD-PMP enzymes are presented, as is the analysis of steady-state and half-reaction kinetics of three Q52 mutants (Q52A, Q52I, and Q52E). As expected if stereoelectronic effects are important to catalysis, the steady-state rate of decarboxylation for all three mutants has decreased significantly compared to that of WT. Q52A exhibits an ∼85-fold decrease in k cat relative to that of WT. The rate of the decarboxylation half-reaction decreases ∼10 5 -fold in Q52I and ∼10 4 -fold in Q52E compared to that of WT. Transamination half-reaction kinetics show that Q52A and Q52I have greatly reduced rates compared to that of WT and are seriously impaired in pyridoxamine phosphate (PMP) binding, with K PMP at least 50-100-fold greater than that of WT. The larger effect on the rate of L-alanine transamination than of pyruvate transamination in these mutants suggests that the rate decrease is the result of selective destabilization of the PMP form of the enzyme in these mutants. Q52E exhibits near-WT rates for transamination of both pyruvate and L-alanine. Substrate binding has been greatly weakened in Q52E with apparent dissociation constants at least 100-fold greater than that of WT. The rate of decarboxylation in Q52E allows the energetic contribution of stereoelectronic effects, ∆G stereoelectronic , to be estimated to be -7.3 kcal/mol for DGD.Pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) 1 dependent enzymes constitute a large and well-characterized group of enzymes, catalyzing many different types of chemistry at the R-, -, and γ-carbons of amine and amino acid substrates. Despite the diversity of chemistry catalyzed by PLP dependent enzymes as a group, individual enzymes exhibit remarkably high reaction specificities. In contrast, model studies show that PLP alone is capable of nonenzymatically catalyzing multiple reaction types with a given substrate. For example, reaction of PLP with serine results in transamination, -elimination, and retroaldol cleavage (1). As an explanation for the high enzymatic versus nonenzymatic specificity, it was proposed by Dunathan (2) that PLP dependent enzymes use stereoelectronic effects to control reaction specificity. He proposed that the scissile bond is aligned parallel to the p orbitals of the extended π system of the aldimine, providing maximal orbital overlap and resonance stabilization in the transition state, therefore accelerating the rate of bond cleavage for the activated bond compared to the other bonds to C R .Stereoelectronic effects have been investigated in simple organic systems both experimentally and computationally (...