.3-Phenoxy-I-phenyl-2-azetidinon-4-ylidene (P-lactam-4-ylidene) 2a, was generated by thermolysis of a spiro-fused p-lactam oxadiazoline precursor (1). Fast 1,2-H migration, a characteristic reaction of singlet carbenes that would convert 2a to 3-phenoxy-1-phenyl-3-azetin-2-one (4a) could not be demonstrated. Added 1, 3-diphenylisobenzofuran (6) did not afford the [4+2] cycloadduct (7) expected from 4a but, instead, the isomeric E-and Z-4-[1-(2-benzoylpheny1)-l-phenyl]-methylene-3-phenoxy-l-phenylazetidin-2-ones (9). Those compounds can be rationalized as the products of rearrangement of first-formed [2+ 11 adducts of 6 and the ylidene. The structure of the Z isomer of 9 was established by means of single crystal X-ray diffraction. Generation of 2a in methanol-d4, either neat or 3.3 M in benzene, afforded the isomeric products of carbene insertion into the OD bond of methanol-d4. Structural isomers expected from addition of methanol-d4 to 4a could not be detected. The results suggest that 1,2-H migration in 2a is relatively slow, with kH 5 1.4 x lo6 s-I at 100"C, which is slower than analogous rearrangement of benzylchlorocarbene by 200-fold or more.MICHEL ZOGHBI et JOHN WARKENTIN. Can. J. Chem. 70, 2792Chem. 70, (1992.La thermolyse d'une oxadiazoline spiro-condensee a une p-lactame (1) conduit au 3-phCnoxy-l-phCnyl-2-azCtidon-4-ylidbne (P-lactam-4-ylidbne) (2a). On n'a pas pu mettre en Cvidence de migration rapide 1,2-H, une reaction caracteristique des carwnes singulets qui permettrait de transformer le compost 2a en 3-phenoxy-1-phCnyl-3-azCtin-2-one (42). L'addition de 1,3-diph6nylisobenzofurane (6) n'a pas permis d'isoler le cycloadduit [4+2] (7) que l'on pourrait attendre 2 partir du produit 4a; on a plut6t obtenu les E-et Z-4-[1-(2-benzoylphCnyl)-1-phCnyl]-m&thylbne-3-phCnoxy-1-phknylazetidin-2-ones isombres (9). On peut rationaliser la formation de ces produits par une transposition des adduits [2+ I ] du produit 6 et de l'ylidkne qui se foment en premier. On a dCterminC la structure de l'isombre Z du composC 9 grdce 2 la diffraction des rayons X par un cristal unique. La gCn6ration du composC 2a dans du methanol-d4, soit a 1'Ctat pur ou en solution 3,3 M dans le benzbne, fournit des produits d'insertion du carbbne dans la liaison OD du methanol-d;. On n'a pas pu ditecter les isombres de structure que l'on pourrait attendre lors de l'addition du methanold4 sur le composC 4a. Les resultats suggbrent que la migration 1,2-H dans le compose 2a est relativement lente, alors que kH 5 1,4 X lo6 s-I, 2 100°C; cette valeur est 200 fois plus faible que celle observke lors de la transposition analogue du benzylchlorocarbbne.[Traduit par la rCdaction]Despite intense interest and activity in the area of p-lactam chemistry (for post-1980 reviews, see ref. I), P-lactam-4-ylidenes, 2 , were described only recently (2). They can be generated efficiently and conveniently by heating spiro-Plactam oxadiazolines (1) at ca. 100°C in solution, Scheme 1, and they have considerable potential for elaboration of the p-lactam syste...