Carbenes / Chemical Kinetics / Elementary Reactions / RadicalsThe reactions of CH2(H'AI) with CH3C2H, HCN, C02, N 2 0 and COS are investigated at room temperature. CH2(B'AI) is generated by pulsed laser photolysis of CH2C0. Overall removal rate constants are derived from concentration profiles under first order reaction conditions using direct, time resolved LIF detection of CH2(B1A1). The second order rate constants are found in units of lot3 cm2/mol s to be 24, 18, 2.0, 3.8 and 20, respectively,-The contributions of physical quenching to the removal of CH2(B1AI) are determined by monitoring directly the formation of CH2(X3BI) with the LMR absorption technique. The branching ratios of collision induced intersystem crossing versus total consumption of 'CH2 are 0.24, 0.32, 0.67, 0.46 and 0.29 for the five reactants.Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 94, 645-650 (1990) -0 VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, D-6940 Weinheim, 1990.We consider the autocatalytic synthesis of MDV-1 RNA by Q beta replicase, which proceeds by template-instructed replication. We predict the effect of a particular point mutation in the sequence on the overall doubling time and conjecture its role on the recognition step. The mutation considered destabilizes the folding of the internal recognition site. The theoretical analysis is based on the calculation of nonequilibrium re-folding events which occur in the RNA chains as they are being synthesized. Free-energy minima are irrelevant. In order to test the theoretical findings, we incubate both the natural template and the mutant simultaneously, in the presence of the replicase. The experiment reveals that the mutation facilitates the enzyme-template interaction, thus enhancing recognition. However, examining the exponential phase of the replication kinetics, where the enzyme is in large excess with respect to the RNA species, we can conclude that the mutant presents a larger overall doubling time, in good agreement with our theoretical findings.