N-Arylsulfonyl, N-aroyl, and N-[arylsulfonylimino(phenyl)methyl] derivatives of 1,4-benzoquinone imine reacted with sodium arenesulfinates to give 1,4-, 1,6-, and 6,1-addition products which were formed according to two concurrent paths: direct nucleophilic addition of arenesulfinate anion to neutral quinone imine molecule and radical ion addition of arenesulfinate radical to radical anion derived from quinone imine.We previously studied in detail reactions of N-aryl-2,6-dialkyl [1], N-aroyl, N-arylsulfonyl, N-[arylsulfonylimino(phenyl)methyl]-2,6(3,5, or 2,5)-dialkyl [2][3][4][5], and N-aryl(alkyl, trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl [6] derivatives of 1,4-benzoquinone imine with sodium arenesulfinates. Depending on the initial quinone imine structure, 1,4-, 6,3-, 1,6-, or 6,1-addition products were obtained. It was found that the reaction direction is determined not only by the nature of substituent on the nitrogen atom of quinone imine but also by the nature and position of substituents in the quinoid ring [4, 5]. 1,4-Benzoquinone imines having two alkyl substituents in the quinoid ring were mainly studied. We expected that reduction of the number of substituents in the quinoid ring should favor more accurate estimation of the effect of the N-substituent on the reaction direction. Therefore, the goal of the present work was to compare the reactivities of N-aroyl, N-arylsulfonyl, and N-[arylsulfonylimino-(phenyl)methyl] 1,4-benzoquinone imine derivatives containing no substituents in the quinoid ring or substituted at the 2-and/or 3-position toward sodium arenesulfinates.The reactions were carried out using excess sodium arenesulfinate (1 : 2) in acetic acid. The aryl groups in the quinone imine and arenesulfinate components were mainly p-methylphenyl and p-methoxyphenyl to facilitate signal assignment in the 1 H NMR spectra. In order to detect all products, we analyzed by 1 H NMR the precipitate before and after recrystallization and the product isolated from the mother liquor obtained after recrystallization. We thus succeeded in separating isomeric products and detecting compounds whose amount did not exceed a few percent.The results of the reactions of N-arylsulfonyl (IaIc, IIa-IIc, IIIa-IIIc, IV), N-aroyl (Va-Vc, VIa, VIb, VIIa, VIIb), and N-[arylsulfonylimino(phenyl)-methyl]-1,4-benzoquinone imines (VIIIa, VIIIb, IX, X, XIa, XIb) with sodium arenesulfinates XIIa-XIIc are shown in Scheme 1, and the product compositions (excluding reduced forms of quinone imines) are given in Table 1. Compounds Ia-Ic, IIa-IIc, IIIa-IIIc, and IV reacted mostly according to the 1,4-addition pattern, yielding amides XIIIa-XIIIc, XIVa-XIVc, XVaXVc, XVIa, and XVIb. Only the reaction of quinone imine IV having no substituents in the quinoid ring with sodium p-methoxybenzenesulfinate gave a mixture of 1,4-and 6,1-addition products XVIb and XXX.