Poly(adeny1ic acid) was modified by methylchlorotetrolic ester in a reproducible and defined content of the derivatized bases. The nucleic acid derivative is protein reactive and was coupled to 70s ribosomes from Escherichia coli, in order to identify proteins along the mRNA pathway. The binding of the label becomes specific under the direction of tRNALys and is then almost exclusively located on the small subunit. The proteins S1, S12, S18 and S21 were labeled, as shown by an antibody assay. The yield of the affinity label was 5.4%, as calculated from the labeled nucleic acid. This compares favourably with the yields from photolabile compounds.Although affinity labeling of proteins by reactive nucleotides has been carried out with a number of suitable derivatives [l -51, examples of protein-reactive nucleic acids are scarce [6]. This is undoubtely due to the fact that it is difficult to introduce suitable nucleotides into these macromolecules by enzymic methods. However, there are few reactions by which a nucleic acid may be modified in order to make it protein reactive. Usually, therefore, photolabile bases, as azides or aziridine compounds, or 5-Jodouracile, have been introduced into nucleic acids [7 -91, to generate a photoactivated cross-link to the protein substrate.However, the yield of photoreagents is low, calculated on the basis of the invested nucleic acid. Usually it does not exceed 1% [lo]. Chemical cross-linking could be more advantageous, especially when the nucleic acid is valuable. Very few of these derivatives [ l l ] have proved suitable.The bases adenine or cytosine may be modified by methylchlorotetrolic ester (a reaction described by Olomucki et al. [12, 131). Here, we describe the use of the modification for cross-linking nucleic acids to proteins. Conveniently, we have used poly(A), in this example for the labeling of proteins involved in the binding of mRNA to the 70s ribosome of Escherichia coli.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Synthesis of poly(A)Some commercial preparations of poly(A) (average length 200-250 bases, Sigma) were used, as a control, and for shorter lengths, poly(A) was also synthesized with the aid of polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase). 10 mg guanylyl-(3'-5')-adenosine (GpA), 33.3 mg ADP and 20 U PNPase (Micrococcus Zuteus) were incubated at 37°C for 21 h in 5 ml 0.05 M Tris/HCl, pH 9.0, 0.01 M MgC12, 0.05 mM EDTA and 0.005 M KC1. After precipitation with ethanol the pellet was dissolved in 2% sodium acetate solution and dialysed (cut-off 12-14 kDa) against 2% of the same solution with three changes within 12 h. The purity of the product was controlled by HPLC (Nucleogen DEAE 500-10, Machery & Nagel, gradient: 20 mM sodium acetate, 30% formamide, pH 6,5; 20 mM sodium acetate, 2 M NaCl, 30% formamide, pH 6.5). The average length of these preparations was about 150 bases.
Preparation of (A)505 mg poly(A) were dissolved in 0.5 ml 0.05 M NaOH and incubated for 50min at 37°C. The hydrolysate was cooled to 0°C and neutralized by addition of 0.25 ml 0.1 M HCl together with 50 pl 1 ...