From the finger sponge, Haliclona oculata (Linnaeus), six new polar sterols have been isolated and their structures determined by chemical and spectroscopic means. These are 3P-hydroxy-cholesta-5,25-dien-24-one (2), 3P-hydroxy-24-methylene-5-cholesten-7-one (6), 24-methylene-5-cholesten-3P,7P-diol (9), 24-methylcholesta-5,22-dien-3P,7P-diol ( l l ) , 24-methylene-5-cholesten-3P,7a-diol (12), and 5~,6-epoxy-24-methylene-cholestan-3~-ol(16). Also shown to be present are the known monohydroxysterols (22E,24S)-24-methylcholesta-5,22-dien-3P-ol (I), (22Z)-24-norcholesta-5,22-dien-3P-ol, 24-methylene-5-cholesten-3p-01, 24-isoethylidene-5-cholesten-3P-01, (22E)-24-norcholesta-5,22-dien-3P-ol and (23E)-cholesta-5.23-dien-3P,25-diol. The structure 14 is tentatively proposed for a novel CZ4 sterol and 8 is suggested for the structure of a compound accompanying 6. JOHN A. FINDLAY et ASHOK D. PATIL. Can. J. Chem. 63, 2406Chem. 63, (1985.On a is016 six nouveaux sttrols polaires de 1'Cponge Haliclona oculata (Linnaeus) et on a determink leurs structures par des mCthodes chimiques et spectroscopiques. I1 s'agit de I'hydroxy-3P cholestadikne-5,25 one-24 (2), de l'hydroxy-3P mCthyl2ne-24 cholesti?ne-5 one-7 (6), du mCthylkne-24 cholestkne-5 diol-3P,7P (9), du mCthyl-24 cholestadi6ne-5,22 diol-3P,7P (11), du mCthylkne-24 cholestkne-5 diol-3P,7a (12) Chemical studies on sponges have shown that they often are a source of novel sterols of biogenetic interest (1, 2). As part of a continuing study of marine natural products from Bay of Fundy organisms, we have examined the sterols of the abundant finger sponge Haliclona oculata (Linnaeus) and now report our findings.Thin-layer chromatography (tlc) of fractions from silica gel column chromatography of a methanol extract of H. oculata showed the presence of substantial amounts of compounds more polar than the monohydroxylated sterol fraction. The five major monohydroxylated sterols were separated and identified by comparison of their spectral characteristics with literature data. The major sterol (85%) of this fraction proved to be (22E,24S)-24-methylcholesta-5,22-dien-3P-ol (22-dehydrocampesterol), 1 (3, 4), while other components were identified as (22Z)-24-norcholesta-5,22-dien-3P-ol(4) (1.5%), 24-methylene-5-cholesten-3P-01 (5) (2.4%), 24-isoethylidene-5-cholesten-3P-01 (isofucosterol) (4) (2.9%), and (22E)-24-norcholesta-5,22-dien-3P-01 (4) (0.8%).Purification of the more polar sterols was achieved by a combination of column chromatography, preparative tlc, and high pressure liquid chromatography (hplc) on silica gel and reverse phase systems. In some cases it was necessary to separate mixtures after acetylation. In this manner we have succeeded in isolating and characterizing the six new sterols 2, 6, 9, 11, 12, and 16, plus the previously reported diene diol4 (6).The novel ketone 2 was purified as its acetate 3 whose ir spectrum (CHCl,) displays strong bands at 1730 and 1670 cm-' attributed to the ester and a,P-unsaturated ketone, respec- For personal use only.