Recoil "Cl/a-Otlorotoluenes/Reactivity parameters
AbstiactReactions of recoil "Q atoms with a-chlorotoluenes and substituted a-chlorotoluenes are investigated. While the total organic yieldsinCjHsCHjCl, CeHjCHClj andC^HjCCl, increasewith the increasing number of C1 atoms, the parent yields remain more or less the same. The yields in these systems in the presence of I, are enhanced contrary to the normal behaviour observed with arenes suggesting a nucleophilic substitution of benzyl iodides by thermal "Cl" ions. However, the yields in the substituted achlorotoluenes are not affected by I, due to the possibility of thermal ipso attack in unscavenged systems. The reactivity Parameters in mixtures of the investigated Compounds with methanol, cyclohexane and high ir-electron density scavengers are evaluated by the model of KONTIS and URCH and the underlying chemical processes are discussed.