H atoms react with CzH5SSC;H5 to give CzH5SH as the sole retrievable product with d~ = 2.32 a t 25°C and 2.84 a t 145°C. The primary reaction is postulated to be H + CzHsSSCzH5CzH5SH + CzH5S with k l = (4.73 f 0.64to the rate constant of the H + CzH4 -CzHs reaction. The high value of the entropy of activation suggests the presence of partial hydrogen bonding in diethyldisulfide which is broken in the transition state.Ethylmethyldisulfide reacts similarly: H + CzH5SSCH3 -C2H5SH + CH3S or CHBSH + CzH5S. The thiyl radicals propagate a chain of radical exchange reactions forming the symmetrical disulfides with exposure-time-dependent quantum yields. The overall kinetics conform to a 16-step mechanism from which the rate constants of the elementary reactions could be established by computer modeling. Thiyl radicals react considerably more slowly with disulfides than H atoms.