The article discusses the issues of preserving the local identity of urban areas, identifying its tangible and intangible components during the reorganization of open public spaces. The concept of festivalization of space, as a way of reflecting the intangible aspects of the history of the territory, as well as adding or changing the scenario of using the urban environment, is disclosed. The classification of temporary architectural structures, which are an integral part of the process of festivalization of public spaces, is proposed. The territory chosen for the study was a park in Kazan which has a rich history and was reorganized. In the study of the territory, general scientific methods, methods of field research, of interdisciplinary synthesis, analysis of participatory design’s results, as well as demographic, urban planning analysis were used. The complex of the carried-out studies made it possible to identify the problems and resources of the territory. The results of the study are recommendations for the formation of public urban spaces, taking into account local identity, preserving the function of socio-cultural interaction of residents, organizing scenario use by means of festivalization with the inclusion of temporary architectural structures.