We use a stochastic simulation model of pandemic influenza to investigate realistic intervention strategies that can be used in reaction to developing outbreaks. The model is constructed to represent a typical midsized North American city. Our model predicts average illness attack rates and economic costs for various intervention scenarios, e.g., in the case when low-coverage reactive vaccination and limited antiviral use are combined with minimally disruptive social distancing strategies, including short-term closure of individual schools. We find that such combination strategies can be substantially more effective than vaccination alone from epidemiological and economic standpoints.
INTRODUCTIONWith modern advances in science and technology, simulation has been widely used in many research fields. Epidemic simulation models provide useful tools to increase our understanding of the dynamics and patterns of disease propagation, and to study and evaluate the potential impacts of various government policies and intervention strategies for pandemic diseases, including prophylactic use of antivirals and social distancing strategies such as school closure, quarantine, and isolation. These tools are especially timely in light of the recent H1N1 swine flu pandemic. Similar to other simulation studies, epidemic simulations consist of three parts: identification of relevant inputs, model building, and output data analysis. The inputs typically include basic population data, the contact behavior of the individuals in the population, and disease transmission parameters. In the U.S., the population and their behavior are generated based on census bureau and demographic research, respectively, and the transmission parameters are based on epidemiologic research. Regarding model logic, the most-popular approaches are individual-based epidemiological compartment models, for example, 2221 978-1-4244-9865-9/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE