It has been widely known that lipid hydroperoxidation has a pathogenic effect for atherosclerosis, 1,2 and possibly contributes to both cancer and aging. [3][4][5][6][7] The oxidation of lipids proceeds via a free-radical chain mechanism. Singlet O2 is one of the reactive species for initiating the above oxidation process, and lipid hydroperoxides are believed to be produced as primary oxidative products. The hydroperoxidation of unsaturated fatty acids has also been reported to produce regioisomeric hydroperoxides by photosensitized singlet O2 oxidation or autooxidation. [8][9][10][11] Kritharides et al. showed the initial formation of lipid hydroperoxides by the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) using HPLC analysis. 12 It is considered that the three lipid groups (cholesteryl esters, triglycelides and phospholipids) are to be oxidized in biological fluids. Several sensitive methods for detecting and identifying the hydroperoxides of three lipid groups have been reported. [13][14][15][16][17][18] However, the formation of regioisomeric hydroperoxides from each of the above-mentioned lipid group and their prosperity and decay has not yet been sufficiently clarified. To understand the lipid oxidation mechanism in tissue or blood, it would be desirable to clarify the possible regioisomers of each oxidized lipid group. The purpose of this work was to clarify the components of hydroperoxides produced from cholesteryl oleate (C18-1), cholesteryl linoleate (C18-2) and cholesteryl linolenate (C18-3) by photosensitized peroxidation.
MaterialsOleic, linoleic and linolenic acids and their methyl esters were purchased from Kanto Chemical Co., and were purified by SiO2 column chromatography (hexane/ethyl acetate = 3/1 for acids and 20/1 for methyl esters, v/v) before use. The purities of the fatty acids and their methyl esters were over 95%; this was confirmed by 1 H-NMR analysis. They were also shown by GLC to be free from other isomers. Cholesterol was purchased from Wako Pure Chemical Inc., and used after SiO2 column chromatography (hexane/ethyl acetate = 5/1) and recrystallization. All of the solvents and reagents used were of analytical grade.
InstrumentationHPLC was performed by the LC-6A system (Shimadzu Co.) including the Rheodyne 7125 injector, and the SPD-10A UV-VIS detector (Shimadzu Co.). An analytical column used was Mightysil Si 60 (4.5 × 250 mm, 5 µm, Kanto Chemical Co.); the mobile phase was a mixture of hexane/2-propanol (100/1 or 250/1, v/v). The flow rate was 1 ml/min and the temperature was ambient. The detection wavelengths were 210 and 233 nm. Mass spectra were taken using a JEOL Automass under the following conditions: column, DB-1, 30 m × 0.25 mm (J & W Co.); column temperature, 80˚C to 280˚C at a rate of 20 ˚C/min; carrier gas, helium (60 ml/min); ion source temperature, 250˚C; separator temperature, 250˚C; ionization energy, 70 eV.1 H-NMR was taken with a JEOL JNM EX-400 at 400 MHz with tetramethylsilane as an internal standard. Japan In order to examine the process of th...