Immunological cross-reactivity has been shown between related genera of the family Treponemataceae. Extracts of Borrelia cross-react with antibodies in syphilitic serum (Saurino and De Lamater, 1952) and produce positive skin tests in the later stages of syphilis (Ranque, Quilici, and Assadourian, 1967 (1962). Both techniques involved preliminary fixation in acetone and then through graded alcohols with final fixation in methanol. Sera were taken in 5 ,ul. amounts, either undiluted or as reciprocal dilutions of 5, 25, 125, and 625 in phosphate buffered saline. Specific goat anti-mouse globulin conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate (Hyland) was used at a dilution of 1/80. Results were recorded as negative (-), equivocal (±), weak positive (wk.+), and positive (+). There was no differentiation between + + + and + + + + as used in the routine FTA-ABS test. The microscope used was a 'Zetopan' (Reichert) with an HB 200 high pressure mercury vapour lamp. All tests were carried out in duplicate, and read independently by two observers, concordance being required for assessment of results as positive.
ABSORPTION TESTSThe effects of absorption with the 'sorbent' (Burroughs Wellcome) used in the FTA absorption test and Reiter protein (Burroughs Wellcome) were tested on sera from mice experimentally infected with B. duttoni and T. pallidum. Indirect immunofluorescence was then carried out on Borrelia and T. pallidum substrates. The absorbing potency of the sorbent was assessed using human nonspecific positive control sera. These were tested at dilutions of 1 in 5, 1 in 25, and 1 in 125 in saline and in sorbent against T. pallidum and Reiter antigens.