“…The obtained needle crystal was dissolved in acetone-d 6 with an aliquot of deuterium oxide, and then analyzed by 1 H-NMR, 13 C-NMR (JNM-A500, JEOL Ltd.), 13 C-NMR DEPT135, 2D-NMR 1 H-1 H COSY, 2D-NMR 1 H- 13 C HSQC, 2D-NMR 1 H- 13 C HMBC, and LC/MS (LC-2010C HT /LCMS-2020, Shimadzu Co., Kyoto, Japan). Conditions for the HPLC portion of the LC-2010C HT apparatus were as follows: an HPLC column, Luna 5 μm C18(2) 100 Å (length: 150 mm, inner diameter: 4.6 mm, particle size: 5.0 μm, Phenomenex, Inc., Torrance, CA, USA), was used at an oven temperature of 40 °C with a solvent flow rate of 0.2 mL/ min.…”