Tungsten-based polyoxometalates( POMs) have been employeda sU V-driven photo-catalysts for ar ange of organic transformations. Their photoactivityi sd ependent on electronic transitionsb etween frontier orbitals and thus manipulation of orbital energy levels provides ap romising meanso fe xtending their utility into the visible regime. Herein, an organic-inorganic hybrid polyoxometalate, K 6 [P 2 W 17 O 57 (PO 5 H 5 C 7 ) 2 ]·6C 4 H 9 NO, was foundt o exhibite nhanced redox behaviour andp hotochemistry compared to its purely inorganicc ounterparts. Hybridization with electron-withdrawingm oieties was shownt o tune the frontier orbitale nergy levels and reduce the HOMO-LUMO gap, leading to direct visible-lightp hotoactivationof the hybrid and establishing as imple, cheap and effective approacht ot he generation of visible-lightactivated hybrid nanomaterials.Systemst hat harness energy from visible light are among the most prized targets in modern materials design.[1] Ap romising group of photoactive materials, polyoxometalates (POMs), are discrete early transition-metal-oxide clusters that exhibite xcellent stability,s olubility in both aqueous and organic mediaa nd aw ide range of potentialc ompositions and structures.[2] These nanoscopic clusters are characterized in large part by their rich redox chemistry,l eadingt op otentiala pplicationsi nm ulti-electron transfer and charge-storaget echnologies.[3] Most importantly,t heir capacity to form highly active photo-excited states (oxo-centred radicals) upon excitation of the O!Ml igand-tometal charge transfer (LMCT) band [4] has led to sustainedi nterest in their use as both heterogeneous and homogeneous photocatalysts for ar ange of transformations.[5] In particular, tungstate-based POMs have been successfully employed in ar ange of UV-light-driven photooxidationr eactions. [4a, 6] In their native state, POMs typically exhibit negligible visible light absorption, with the broad LMCT band located almostentirely within in the UV region of the spectrum.P OMs have thus had limited application in visible-light-driven catalysis and while the absorption profiles of molybdate-and vanadatebased POMs often tail into the near-visible/blue range, [4, 7] they do not generally exhibit the stability or easeo ff unctionalization seen in tungstate-baseda nalogues.Mizuno and co-workersr ecently reported two examples of polyoxotungstate photoactivation in systemsb ased on the lacunary POM [g-SiW 10 O 36 ] 8À ,i nw hich charget ransferf rom secondary components (Ce III or bound substrates) facilitated photo-reduction of the POMcorea nd allowedo xidative catalysis on the appended moieties.[8] Another approach to the visible-lighta ctivation of POMs is through functionalization with (typically, preciousm etal-based) visible-light-activec hromophores or 'photosensitizers' (PS), throughe ither supramolecular or covalenta pproaches.[9] Subsequentp hoto-excitation can lead to PS!POMc harge transfer.[10] Indeed, to the best of our knowledge,a ll previous reports of polyoxot...