This research introduces an innovative educational resource for Physics education, focusing on the captivating story of J. J. Thomson's. Comics, with their visually immersive nature, effectively merge text and visuals to accommodate diverse learning styles. They engage students through narratives and vivid visuals, enhancing the educational experience. Utilizing Thiagarajan’s 4D approach (define, design, develop, disseminate), the study collects historical sources in the definition stage and meticulously plans visual narratives in the design stage. Visual literacy is highlighted, enabling students to critically analyze visual information. In the development stage, comics are refined, expert-evaluated, and tested on users. These comics are then disseminated via the Webtoon platform. The results highlight comics' potential as a valuable teaching tool, captivating students with engaging narratives and rich visuals, making Physics education more enjoyable. Moreover, comics demonstrate their broader relevance in Physics instruction, contributing to the ongoing discourse on innovative and visually engaging teaching methods.