Debbie, thank you too for your concern and the delicious meals you prepared during Ugandan dinners that made me feel at home in Groningen. This thesis could not have been accomplished without the responses from university students who participated in providing data for the surveys and evaluations carried out during this research. Thank you for taking time to provide helpful information. I acknowledge the support extended to me by my family members. Deep gratitude goes to my father and friend Mr. Clement Olango. Baba, thank you for being a close companion in my academic career. This PhD is yours as much as it is mine, because it was made achievable by your encouragement, trust and support. Your interest in my education was shown when you used to personally help me with my primary school homework. Thank you for giving me equal opportunity to education and for marking sure I was in the best schools as far as your resources could allow. This gave me the solid academic foundation needed for my PhD. I am proud to be your daughter. Maa, Mrs. Regina Olango Alaroker, you have been my excellent role model of hard work, care and generosity. By working hard to give me a healthy body you gave me a healthy mind for academics. Apwoyo Mama. Uncle David Okeny Ojok, I deeply appreciate the comfort, courage and advice you gave to me during the time I lost the laptop computer which contained all my research works. To my siblings: Pamela, Alphonse, Ivy, Celine and Lisa, thank you all for the unconditional love and moral support that you extended to me during this exciting academic journey. Your words of encouragement and humour lightened my spirit and gave me the strength to work diligently. I will forever hold dear those heartfelt smiles, hugs and kisses that made me feel worthwhile. Glory be to Jehovah, the Almighty God who comforted me through the world wide brotherhood of Jehovah's Witnesses. Especially throuhg the presence of Abalober, Alphonse, Anna, Faith, Like, Maureen, Paul, Sarah, Tini, and Vicky. Thank you all for the earnest concerns you showed during my deep sorrows. This made me rejoice. I count you friends for life eternal.