Mattye (Nana) for always pushing me and showing an interest in my research. Thank you to my cousins, Crystal, Ashley, Stephanie, and Rachel, for setting the stage and letting me know that I was more than capable of this journey. Finally, I want to acknowledge my Granny and Pop both for always motivating me to do well in my studies and pushing me to be the best I could be and supporting my journey into the museum and historical research fields.I want to extend a big thank you to my thesis committee and my major professor Dr.Kelly L. Reddy-Best for not only her willingness to work on this historical research with me, but her tenacity in keeping me on track and ensuring I completed this research. I also would like to acknowledge Agatha Huenpenbecker Burnett Assistantship (AHB) mentor and colleague Dr.Gordon for all the valuable lessons she has taught me. But I would like to extend a big thanks to my friends and AHB colleagues, Joshua Simon and Kyra Streck, because I do not think I would have been able to make it through my time at Iowa State without you.