This study examines the electronic book reading preferences of teachers who teach their subjects in a foreign language in secondary school, high school, and university in terms of different variables. This study examines the teachers' electronic book reading interests, the types of books, and book reading pages regarding gender variables. In the research, a descriptive survey model was used. Descriptive analysis was carried out on large groups. The opinions and attitudes of the individuals in the group were taken, and the facts and events were tried to be described (Karakaya, 2012). The study was carried out with 23 teachers working in 3 different private institutions in the Kurdistan region of Iraq in the 2021-2022 academic year. According to the findings, teachers' e-book reading genres increased in subjects that appealed to their careers. The researchers found that the difference between male and female teachers' book preferences is worth examining. This study explored what types of fiction and nonfiction genres teachers prefer to read digitally when digital reading is popular worldwide. This study is expected to contribute to the subsequent studies in related literature.