Item order can bias learners' study decisions and undermine the use of more effective allocation strategies, such as allocating study time to items in one's region of proximal learning. In two experiments, we evaluated whether the influence of item order on study decisions reflects habitual responding based on a reading bias. We manipulated the order in which relatively easy, moderately difficult, and difficult items were presented from left to right on a computer screen and examined selection preference as a function of item order and item difficulty. Experiment 1a was conducted with native Arabic readers and in Arabic, and Experiment 1b was conducted with native English readers and in English. Students from both cultures prioritized items for study in the reading order of their native language: Arabic readers selected items for study in a right-to-left fashion, whereas English readers largely selected items from left to right. In Experiment 2, native English readers completed the same task as participants in Experiment 1b, but for some participants, lines of text were rotated upside down to encourage them to read from right to left. Participants who read upsidedown text were more likely to first select items on the right side of an array than were participants who studied right-side-up text. These results indicate that reading habits can bias learners' study decisions and can undermine agenda-based regulation.Keywords Self-regulated study . MetacognitionResearch on the allocation of study time has demonstrated that the difficulty of materials influences how long students study them and which are selected for study (for reviews, see Dunlosky & Ariel, 2011;Son & Kornell, 2009). For instance, when students have limited time for study, they often first select the easiest unlearned materials to study and then transition to progressively more difficult ones (Metcalfe, 2009). According to the agenda-based regulation framework (Ariel, Dunlosky, & Bailey, 2009), students are developing an agenda-or simple plan-to help them maximize performance. This particular agenda has been called using a region of proximal learning (RPL; Metcalfe, 2002), and using it can improve learning (Kornell & Metcalfe, 2006). Recently, however, Dunlosky and Ariel (in press) reported that how materials were presented influenced students' item selections and undermined their use of an RPL agenda.In particular, Dunlosky and Ariel (in press) examined the influence of the presentation order of items on studytime allocation for relatively easy, moderately difficult, and difficult English-Spanish translations. On each trial, three English words were presented side by side in a row, and participants chose translations to study by clicking a button below each English word. Item difficulty (i.e., easy, moderate, or difficult) was presented above each English word. Items were ordered from left to right either from the easiest to the most difficult item or from the most difficult to the easiest item. Learners often chose to study the easier items...